martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Frankenstein-The movie-(exploring) and the Wiki

Greetings dear students and followers

CHECK THIS IMPORTANT NOTE:When you finish watching the trailer, a number of pictures will appear below.
If you click on any of these pictures you'll be able to watch several movies about Frankenstein.

This way you'll have the opportunity to enjoy the movie and to get more into the story.
I'm looking forward to hearing your comments.

Note : The wiki is ready and the URL appears in the section "Enlaces" or just click here: Wiki-Frankenstein

5 comentarios:

Patricia dijo...

frankenstein film that I liked the movies I like ficcion.La of part I liked most is where the author of the film asks its creator to make a girlfriend for el.estas movies are very good for our learning of English as it helps us to hear and reforzae our vocabulary

dianita dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
dianita dijo...

Frankenstein is the best movie I have never seen before, because I have always wanted to read fiction books and look a movie.

dianita dijo...

frankestein is one of the strangest stories ever told. These are two great mysteries of creation - life and death

Unknown dijo...

I think it was very important that we have made available to students also provide feedback on this page and learning
It is admirable that all students in English and in particular those who are in intensive levels with Professor Carlos Ortiz are connected and interested in learning more and more like this by half

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