martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

"EDUBLOG-Present Perfect

"Welcome dear students:
Today we start using this blog to help our English learning process.Here you can write all your comments about the topic: Present Perfect.
In the section "Links" on the right you can find the link to go to Our Virtual English Course.
Para tener acceso a la temàtica y los ejercicios interactivos debe ir a "Enlaces" en la columa de la derecha y dar click en "Edublog-Present Perfect" este lo llevarà a la plataforma Moodle.
Your login is: jumper
Your password is : jumper
Así llegará a la pàgina del Presente Perfecto y las actividades interactivas preparadas para Ustedes).
Once you are in, go through the presentations and the activities. They are good for you.
After, write three things you have done and three things you haven't done (experiences). Example: I have ridden a horse but I haven't flown in a Jumbo Jet. Also you can write your questions, comments, ideas or suggestions.

2 comentarios:

Danny Hernández dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Danny Hernández dijo...

Im going to write three thing that I have done and three things that I haven't done

I have swum when I was 5 years old but I haven't run in a marathon.

I have eaten "Sushi Food" but I haven't been in Japan

I have ever forgotten the telephone numbers of my friends but I haven't forgotten theirs days of birthday.

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