viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

Social Networking- bye Lee Lefever

web 2.0

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Frankenstein-The movie-(exploring) and the Wiki

Greetings dear students and followers

CHECK THIS IMPORTANT NOTE:When you finish watching the trailer, a number of pictures will appear below.
If you click on any of these pictures you'll be able to watch several movies about Frankenstein.

This way you'll have the opportunity to enjoy the movie and to get more into the story.
I'm looking forward to hearing your comments.

Note : The wiki is ready and the URL appears in the section "Enlaces" or just click here: Wiki-Frankenstein

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Frankenstein-Trailer and movies-


Dear Student:

Check this movie or any other related and make your comments on this blog and on the Wiki. (look for the Wiki on the right column in red)


To listen to chapter 1, please click here. Use this Podcast to review the story. You'll find it very useful for the final oral test this term.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

WORKSHOP - Dr. Frankstein

Dear students.
In this workshop about the book Dr. Frankstein by Mary Shelley, we are going to write our comments and opinions about it. We can also use this space to answer a few questions about the book. This will help us to get familiar with the characters and the story.
To start, please answer the following questions, by selecting the correct answer:
1- Why did Robert Walton go on his journey?
a- Because he wanted to make new friends.
b- Because he wanted to explore a new land.
c- Because he wanted to start a new life.

2- What was Robert Walton's final destination?
a- St. Petersburg
b- Archangel
c- The North Pole

3- Why couldn't men on the ship see well?
a- Because of the wind
b- Because of the rain
c- Because of the fog.

Make your selection, click on "comments" and write your answers.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

"EDUBLOG-Present Perfect

"Welcome dear students:
Today we start using this blog to help our English learning process.Here you can write all your comments about the topic: Present Perfect.
In the section "Links" on the right you can find the link to go to Our Virtual English Course.
Para tener acceso a la temàtica y los ejercicios interactivos debe ir a "Enlaces" en la columa de la derecha y dar click en "Edublog-Present Perfect" este lo llevarà a la plataforma Moodle.
Your login is: jumper
Your password is : jumper
Así llegará a la pàgina del Presente Perfecto y las actividades interactivas preparadas para Ustedes).
Once you are in, go through the presentations and the activities. They are good for you.
After, write three things you have done and three things you haven't done (experiences). Example: I have ridden a horse but I haven't flown in a Jumbo Jet. Also you can write your questions, comments, ideas or suggestions.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Web 2

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: